Lemon Dill Dressing

Lemon Dill Dressing

Makes about ¼ cup


2 tbsp. low-fat Greek yogurt
2 tbsp. mayonnaise
¼ tsp. Dijon mustard
¼ tsp. Kowalski's Pure Honey
1 tsp. finely chopped fresh dill
1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tsp. freshly grated lemon zest
1 clove finely minced garlic
- kosher salt, to taste
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  1. In a small mixing bowl, stir together yogurt and mayonnaise; stir in mustard and honey.
  2. Stir in dill, lemon juice, zest and garlic; season with salt to taste.
  3. Store in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 3 days until ready to use.