Salted Caramel Puddings
⅔ cup
brown sugar
3 tbsp.
½ tsp.
kosher salt
egg yolks
2 cups
whole milk
1 cup
heavy cream
2 tbsp.
Kowalski's Unsalted Butter
1 tsp.
Kowalski's Organic Madagascar Vanilla Extract
½ cup
Kowalski's Sea Salt Caramel Sauce, plus more for serving
- sea salt flakes, for serving
- In a medium saucepan, whisk together brown sugar, cornstarch and salt. Whisk in egg yolks. Whisk in milk and cream. Cook over medium heat until bubbly (about 8 min.), stirring regularly at first, then constantly for the last 5 min. Whisk the entire bottom of the pan, including the corners, to avoid scorching and lumps.
- When mixture comes to a full boil, remove from heat.
- Whisk in butter and vanilla until butter is completely melted. Whisk in caramel sauce until fully blended.
- Transfer to serving dish(es); cover with plastic wrap, allowing it to touch the surface of the pudding. Chill completely in the refrigerator (2 hrs. to overnight).
- Serve topped with a layer of caramel sauce and a pinch of sea salt.
Find It!
- Find Kowalski's Sea Salt Caramel Sauce near the ice cream toppings.