Neapolitan Ice Cream Cake

Neapolitan Ice Cream Cake

Serves 8-12


9 oz. chocolate graham crackers (such as Kodiak Bear Bites), very finely crushed
2 tbsp. Kowalski's Unsalted Butter, melted
1 pt. Kowalski's Signature Strawberry Ice Cream, softened
10 oz. jar Kowalski's Deep Dark Hot Fudge Sauce, divided
1 pt. Kowalski's Signature Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, softened
1 pt. Kowalski's Signature Chocolate Ice Cream, softened
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  1. Line a 9x5x2" loaf pan with parchment paper, allowing excess paper to hang over the long edges of the pan.
  2. In a medium mixing bowl, combine graham crumbs and butter; press about ¾ cup crumb mixture into the bottom of the lined pan.
  3. Carefully spread softened strawberry ice cream over crumbs; top with ¾ cup crumb mixture and ⅓ of the fudge sauce.
  4. Repeat 2 more layers with vanilla bean and chocolate ice creams, crumbs and fudge sauce.
  5. Cover top of cake with a second sheet of parchment paper. Cover pan tightly with foil; freeze until solid (8-12 hrs.).
  6. Fill kitchen sink with warm water. Carefully lower the pan into the water until it almost reaches the top of the pan; hold for about 20 sec.
  7. Using overhanging parchment paper, carefully lift cake out of pan. Cut into slices with a warm, dry knife; serve immediately.

Find It!

  • Find Kowalski's Deep Dark Hot Fudge Sauce near the ice cream toppings.