Cooking at Home: Taste the Rainbow

Cooking At Home

Taste the Rainbow

Contributed by Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron.

Rainbow Salad Rainbow Salad

I don't think anyone needs to be taught how to make a salad. It's one of those things like toast or tea that no one needs a recipe for. Salad bars don't come with instructions – a salad is just one of those dishes that we understand how to make at a visceral, intuitive level.

I think the formula for a great salad comes down to just two things: texture and flavor, specifically the proper balancing of each. "Crunchy, creamy and crispy," I always say, is the formula for superior salad. Same for taste. At a minimum, you need sweet, salty and sour to balance your bowl. (Bonus points for spicy and savory!) In my summer favorite – I call it Rainbow Salad – crispy greens meet creamy avocado and crunchy peppers, cabbage and carrots. Blue cheese brings sour, salty notes to balance the sweetness of tomatoes and my own recipe for Honey French Dressing. I like to add the spicy bite of radishes and peppers, but when it comes to your salad, who am I to tell you how to make it?

View the Recipe


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