Cooking At Home: Good Soup

Cooking At Home

Good Soup

Contributed by Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron.

Curried Chicken Noodle Soup Curried Chicken Noodle Soup

At home, my husband asks for soup regularly from September until May. Me? I'm not really a fan. It's a point on which my son and I are in 100% alignment. Soup, as he likes to say, is just a watery dinner.

And chicken noodle? Nah. I'm not a fan. I get the idea of it. I do understand the appeal, but I find it, if not bland, at least a little bit blah. I prefer soup with heat, acidity, smokiness – all the drama! So, to pacify my soup-loving spouse, I made him this chicken noodle – with a few oh-so-me twists. Among other swaps and switch-ups, I added smoked chicken, lo mein noodles, sweet potatoes, broccolini and some SPICE! The resulting concoction, Curried Chicken Noodle Soup, may not be Minnesota nice, but it'll keep you warm on a cold winter's night – you betcha!

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