Bavarian Pretzel Croissant Sandwiches
Bavarian Pretzel Croissant Sandwiches
Kowalski's Pretzel Croissants
4 pieces
green leaf lettuce
¾ lb.
Boar's Head SmokeMaster Beechwood Smoked Black Forest Ham, sliced to taste
4 thin slices
Kowalski's Muenster Cheese (optional)
tomato, thinly sliced
- kosher salt and freshly ground Kowalski's Black Peppercorns, to taste
- Kowalski's Horseradish Pub Mustard, to taste
Slice pretzel croissants in half horizontally. Top bottom halves evenly with lettuce leaves, ham, cheese and tomato slices. Season tomatoes with salt and pepper. Spread cut side of top croissants with mustard; place on top of the tomatoes. Serve immediately.