Triple Ice Cream Cake

Triple Ice Cream Cake

Serves 8-12


9 oz. chocolate graham crackers (such as Kodiak Bear Bites), very finely crushed
2 tbsp. Kowalski's Unsalted Butter, melted
10 oz. jar Kowalski's Sea Salt Caramel Sauce, divided
1 pt. Kowalski's Signature Caramel Sea Salt Ice Cream, softened
1 pt. Kowalski's Signature Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream, softened
1 pt. Kowalski's Signature Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, softened
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  1. Line a 9x5x2" loaf pan with parchment paper, allowing excess paper to hang over the long edges of the pan.
  2. In a medium mixing bowl, evenly combine graham crumbs and butter; set aside.
  3. Remove lid from caramel sauce; microwave jar until caramel is loose and somewhat easy to drizzle but not yet warm (about 15 sec.).
  4. Carefully spread softened caramel sea salt ice cream into the bottom of the lined pan; top with ⅓ of the crumb mixture and drizzle with approx. ⅓ of the caramel sauce.
  5. Carefully spread softened chocolate peanut butter ice cream on top; top with ⅓ of the crumb mixture and drizzle with approx. ⅓ of the caramel sauce.
  6. Carefully spread softened vanilla bean ice cream on top; top with remaining ⅓ of the crumb mixture and drizzle with remaining ⅓ of the caramel sauce. 
  7. Cover top of cake with a second sheet of parchment paper. Cover pan tightly with foil; freeze until solid (8-12 hrs.).
  8. Fill kitchen sink with warm water. Carefully lower the pan into the water until it almost reaches the top of the pan; hold for about 20 sec.
  9. Using overhanging parchment paper, carefully lift cake out of pan. Cut into slices with a warm, dry knife; serve immediately.

Find It!

  • Find Kowalski's Sea Salt Caramel Sauce near the ice cream toppings.