Lathering Lamb Felted Soaps

Lathering Lamb Felted Soaps

Lathering Lamb is owned and operated by art teacher Kim Bakken-Parr of Vadnais Heights, Minnesota, who began creating and donating her felted soaps to oncology unit nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Having a niece who worked in the ward, Kim knew how much stress the medical field was under and wanted to let them know how appreciated they were.

Felted soaps consist of two simple components: bar soap and wool. Layers of wool batting are wrapped around the soap, which is then placed in a pair of pantyhose, run under hot water and agitated. The combination of hot water and agitation causes the wool to shrink around the soap, much like a wool sweater in a hot washing machine cycle. Naturally antibacterial and antimicrobial, these felted soaps are great for exfoliating your skin. Once the soap is used up, you can even use the wool covering as an excellent scrubby for your kitchen sink and bathtub!

Find Lathering Lamb felted soaps in a variety of scents and colors in the Gift Department.

Lathering Lamb Felted Soaps Lathering Lamb Felted Soaps