Kacie Liechty Art

Kacie Liechty Art

Kacie Liechty was born into a very talented family that has pursued art, crafts and creativity of every kind. From the time she was very young and growing up in Michigan, she was encouraged to create and appreciate the beauty around her.

"Some of my favorite memories are of going for nature walks at a park near my house," says Kacie, "sometimes with my grandma and brother, other times by myself. I learned how to paint with watercolors when I was in high school. When my kids were young, I enjoyed teaching them about art and doing crafts and projects with them. I also taught an occasional class and pursued a variety of creative endeavors on my own."

In 2018, Kacie's family moved to Minnesota for her husband's job. They were immediately in awe of the unique beauty of their surroundings and enjoyed exploring state parks and sites along the North Shore. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Kacie pulled out her paints to capture some of the scenery she saw up north and on her frequent walks with her family.

"I loved jumping back into the world of watercolors!" says Kacie. "I have enjoyed sharing my watercolors on a larger scale and love that they bring back wonderful memories for people. Hearing about someone's engagement at Split Rock Lighthouse, annual camping trips to Gooseberry Falls or adventures at Tettegouche State Park makes me smile and reflect on the blessing of being able to help preserve those memories."

Kacie Liechty Kacie Liechty
Kacie Liechty
Kacie Liechty Split Rock Lighthouse Print Kacie Liechty Split Rock Lighthouse Print

In addition to outdoor scenes, Kacie also enjoys painting botanicals and exploring the depth of color of her subject matter. A few of her botanical cards are from photos of the plants outside of the Kowalski's in Shoreview!

"When I’m not painting," Kacie says, "I enjoy playing games with my family, being involved at our church, and taking lots of walks. I also love working in the Gift Department at Kowalski's Shoreview store!"

Find Kacie Liechty's framed art and notecards at select Kowalski's Markets. Selection and availability vary by market.