Colleen Baldrica

Colleen Baldrica

From the White Earth Reserve in Northern Minnesota, Colleen Baldrica is an official Chippewa (Ojibwe) Tribe member of the Pembina Band. Living her entire life in the St. Croix River Valley, Colleen has spent over 28 years working in public education. She presently mentors new authors, leads drumming circles, and participates in book signings, presentations and other community events. In 2006, Colleen published Tree Spirited Woman, a highly rated novel with over 25,000 copies sold. Following the friendship between a young woman and a wise and mystical woman, Tree Spirited Woman allows the reader to embark on a personal journey of self-reflection and life enrichment as it teaches unique perspectives and lessons for personal growth.

Find a copy of Tree Spirited Woman in the Gift Department of your nearest Kowalski's location.

Colleen Baldrica Colleen Baldrica