Artists to Watch

Artists to Watch

Artists to Watch is an award-winning Minneapolis-based company that works exclusively with independent artists to craft high-quality greeting cards. Their line is carefully curated to meld visually intriguing images with thought-provoking words, all while showcasing each artist's unique voice, feel, and talent. Each card is printed here in the Twin Cities using vegetable-based ink and recycled paper, which contains the highest post-consumer content available per sheet while still producing a high-quality print. All their paper mills and printers are Forest Stewardship Council certified. They respect our environment by recycling, reusing, and reducing our waste at every opportunity. Perfect for any occasion, Artists to Watch fine art greeting cards provide a message of love, care, and warmth to make anyone's day brighter.

Find Artists to Watch greeting cards in the Gift Department of your nearest Kowalski's location.

Artists to Watch Artists to Watch