Winter Squash Season

Winter Squash Season

Contributed by Sue Moores, M.S., R.D., Kowalski's Nutritionist.

Autumn Squash Autumn Squash

It's cause for celebration! There are so many varieties and flavors of squash to enjoy. Why not start with acorn and work your way through the alphabet of options?

Every variety of winter squash is loaded with good things for your health. There are a dozen different carotenes in winter squash, all with antioxidant capabilities. Some of them help with eye health, some with heart health. Some have protective effects against certain cancers. Squash's carotenes are good for immune and digestive health, skin health, and can help keep blood pressure and blood sugar in check.

One cup of cooked winter squash is also a big contributor of other nutrients you need each day:

  • Vitamin A – 214%
  • Vitamin C – 33%
  • Fiber – 23%
  • Potassium, folate and vitamin K – 10%

Check out the different types of winter squash available and general cooking instructions at

Time (and Muscle) Saving Tip:

Find peeled and chopped raw butternut squash in the Prepared Produce Section of the Produce Department, right alongside other fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.

Featured Recipe

Here are a few delicious ways to get your autumn off to a tasty start: