Tangerine Types

Tangerine Types

Winter is the premier season to enjoy these members of the mandarin family:

Sumo Orange Sumo Orange


Sumo Orange

A Sumo is very large and easy to recognize with its distinctive "knob" at the top. This mandarin variety is seedless, extremely easy to peel, very juicy and delightfully sweet.

Minneola Tangelo Minneola Tangelo


Minneola Tangelo

Also called Honeybells because of their shape, this large citrus fruit is a cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit. When ripe, Minneola tangelos turn a deep red-orange color. These succulent, sweet fruits are usually seedless and very easy to peel.

Clementines Clementines


The clementine is the smallest member of the mandarin family of citrus fruits and also the best-loved mandarin orange. A hybrid between an orange and mandarin, this seedless fruit is especially juicy with a refreshingly sweet tang. Clementines are bright red-orange in color with a pebbled, loose skin that is arguably the easiest to remove of any citrus, making it a ubiquitous lunchbox treat.

Selection and availability of products and ingredients vary by market.