Special Citrus

Special Citrus

Winter is one of the sweetest seasons for produce, specifically citrus. These sunny, sweet fruits arrive just in time to brighten the shortest days of the year and put us in a summery state of mind. There are more than just oranges to enjoy! Look for these unique choices in the Produce Department this season.

Kumquats Kumquats



A kumquat resembles an orange but is the shape and size of a grape. This tiny, egg-shaped fruit has a sweet, paper-thin skin around a very tart interior flesh. It can be eaten whole as a fun snack or sliced into salads. It’s quite commonly candied and served with cheese or desserts.

White Grapefruit White Grapefruit


White Grapefruit

The white grapefruit has a green-to-yellow skin but is named for its white flesh. The peel is very thick and easy to remove. It’s good on its own or used in cocktails or fruit salads.

Pummelo Pummelo



The pummelo is sweeter and firmer than a grapefruit, with a thick, easy-to-peel lime-green skin around a bright pink flesh. It’s most commonly eaten raw as a snack, but it also makes delicious marmalade.

Ugli Fruit Ugli Fruit


Ugli Fruit

UGLI is the trademark name for uniq fruit, so called because of the natural traces of mottling, bronzing, surface scarring and uneven coloring on its skin and less-than-uniform shape. Its size falls between a large navel orange and a grapefruit. Ugli fruit skin is light green to orange, and it has a yellow-orange flesh with minimal seeds. With a taste like a mandarin orange mixed with a very sweet grapefruit, it’s most commonly eaten as a snack.

Key Lime Key Lime


Key Lime

Smaller than the standard Persian lime, a Key lime is more fragrant and more uniformly round. They are tangier than regular limes, with a hint of pleasant bitterness and a slightly floral aroma. Most popularly known for their role in Key lime pie, Key limes are equally good in all desserts.

Meyer Lemons Meyer Lemons



Meyer Lemon

Meyers are lower in acid than standard lemons, with a tangy zest and sweet-tart juice. Their skin is thin, smooth and darker in color than regular lemons, and they have less pith. They’re good in beverages, dressings, marinades and desserts where a sweeter flavor profile is desired.

Blood Oranges Blood Oranges



Blood Orange

The deep red flesh and blushed skin of blood oranges make them especially beloved for dressing up cocktails and sauces. They are also very juicy with a sweet-tart flavor.

Cara Cara Oranges Cara Cara Oranges



Cara Cara Orange

The Cara Cara has a bright orange peel around a pink-orange flesh. They’re very sweet and low in acid, making this navel variety popular for straight-up snacking.

Selection and availability may vary by season and market.