Serving Salsa

Serving Salsa

Salsa is great for more than just chips! Whether mild, medium or hot, red, green or another color in between, we've got more than a few suggestions for ways to enjoy it!

Pico de Gallo Pico de Gallo
  • Serve salsa on grilled chicken, fish, chops – you name it!
  • Stir some into mayo. Serve as an alternative to sour cream and plain salsa on tacos.
  • Purée it. Add lime juice and oil and use it to marinate steak.
  • Top slices of Kowalski’s Fresh Mozzarella with salsa. Drizzle with olive oil and a splash of vinegar. Serve a la Caprese salad.
  • Top fried eggplant slices with salsa and crumbled goat cheese.
  • Purée salsa. Stir into a fiery, cold gazpacho on a hot summer day.
  • Stir a bit into sour cream. Serve on a baked potato.
  • Stir a generous amount into chicken salad, tuna salad or potato salad.
  • Purée a little or a lot. Whisk with ranch dressing or ketchup. Use wherever you would use plain ranch dressing or ketchup.

Good to Know:

Is pico de gallo a salsa?

Yes! Or no! Depends on whom you ask and what you are referencing. Salsas roughly break down into three categories: cooked, roasted and raw. The pico de gallo commonly consumed in the U.S. – a mix of chopped tomatoes, onions and peppers – fits into the third category. However, in many areas of Mexico, the term pico de gallo can describe a whole assortment of toppings, fillings or salads, including fruit salad. So, if you're in the U.S., you can be fairly confident in what you are getting when you ask for pico de gallo, but it may be worth double-checking if you find yourself abroad.