In Season: Sweet Potatoes

In Season: Sweet Potatoes

Sliced Sweet Potatoes Sliced Sweet Potatoes

November finds us smack dab in the middle of peak sweet potato season in the U.S. Sweet potatoes are a staple of the holiday table, but they're great in everyday dishes, too. They can be boiled, steamed, grilled, baked and are particularly wonderful when roasted. These three recipes – a seasonal sandwich, a side dish and a snack – use roasted sweet potatoes in three very different (and delicious) ways.

When it comes to selecting a good sweet potato in the store, shape and size don't matter. Just keep them cool and dry. They'll last for several weeks in good conditions.

Did You Know?

The red-skinned, orange-fleshed sweet potato was introduced to the United States several decades ago. In order to distinguish it from the white sweet potatoes we had at the time, these long, smooth-skinned tubers were labeled "yams" – but they're not actually yams. True yams have rough, sometimes hairy, thick skins. They’re starchier, drier and sweeter than both white and orange sweet potatoes and are rarely sold in the U.S.

Selection and availability of products and ingredients vary by market.