Recipes for Success

Recipes for Success

When our website was relaunched late last year, so was our recipe database. With over 1000 recipes to choose from, it’s a great place to find the perfect recipe for any meal or occasion...

Greek Mini Pizza Recipe Card Greek Mini Pizza Recipe Card

When our website was relaunched late last year, so was our recipe database. With over 1,000 recipes to choose from, it's a great place to find the perfect recipe for any meal or occasion. Search functionality was improved to provide better ingredient filters (wonderful when looking for an egg dish or something chocolatey), occasion filters (including St. Patty's Day) diet and health filters, and more.

A curated selection of full-color recipe cards are sent to each market seasonally to give you even easier access to the recipes of the moment. Fish dishes, comfort foods, springy sweets and great ways with citrus are just a few of the ideas you'll find in our kiosk right now. All of our unique recipes are honed for accuracy and, most importantly, deliciousness in our very own test kitchen to ensure that you'll have success with them every time.

Look for collectible cards at the information kiosk in your local Kowalski's or search the entire collection on our website any time of day or night from your desktop or mobile device.

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