Perfect Bites

Perfect Bites

Though it sometimes tastes that way, it's not magic that our Cheese Specialists employ when crafting pairings. In fact, with a little practice, you too can construct similar "perfect bites" using three essential building blocks: aroma, taste and texture.

Aroma, Taste and Texture Wheel Aroma, Taste and Texture Wheel
Liz Nerud, Kowalski's Specialty Cheese Manager & Certified Cheese Professional Liz Nerud, Kowalski's Specialty Cheese Manager & Certified Cheese Professional

Everything we eat has aroma, taste and texture. Experts use permutations of all three qualities when combining ingredients or creating recipes, choosing those that complement or contrast pleasantly with one another. If you reflect on some of the most delicious foods, the importance of balancing and blending scents, flavors and mouthfeel isn't as hard to understand as it may seem. Think about the spicy-toasty aroma of candied walnuts or cinnamon toast. Consider the satisfaction derived from the combination of salty-sweet flavors in caramel corn or aged Cheddar. And imagine the tactile pleasure of crunchy potato chips with creamy onion dip. 

A Pro's Picks

This season, we asked Liz Nerud, American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional and Cheese Specialist at our Woodbury market, to suggest three of her favorite holiday cheese combos. Liz brings both her intuition and her experience as a former competitor in the national Cheesemonger Invitational to her pairing process.

She shares her insights here:

Deer Creek Vat 17 World Cheddar with Yuzu Marmalade on an Effie's Homemade Corn Biscuit Deer Creek Vat 17 World Cheddar with Yuzu Marmalade on an Effie's Homemade Corn Biscuit

(1) Deer Creek Vat 17 World Cheddar with Yuzu Marmalade on an Effie's Homemade Corn Biscuit

Liz says: "Vat 17 World Cheddar is part of the immensely popular new class of Cheddar known as 'sweet Cheddars.' It has nutty notes with a hint of honey that shines alongside the balanced acidity we love in a good Cheddar. Following the honey logic, I love honey butter on cornbread, and thus the choice of Effie's Corn Biscuits was obvious. Interestingly, the makers of Effie's include a touch of anise in the recipe. That got me thinking about the parallel between anise and fennel, and you know what loves fennel? Orange! And yuzu marmalade is a beautiful condiment that has an even deeper citrus element than orange."

Wine Pairing: Sonoma Chardonnay

Fromager d'Affinois with Lucille's Kitchen Garden Raspberry Pepper Jam on a Kii Naturals Date & Almond Crisp Fromager d'Affinois with Lucille's Kitchen Garden Raspberry Pepper Jam on a Kii Naturals Date & Almond Crisp

(2) Fromager d'Affinois with Lucille's Kitchen Garden Raspberry Pepper Jam on a Kii Naturals Date & Almond Crisp

Liz says: "Fromager d'Affinois is a longtime cheesemonger favorite. This exceptionally rich Brie-style cheese is a double crème that thinks it's a triple crème. Rich in buttery depth, it has great flavor without crossing over into 'stinky' territory. It is steps above so many Bries that give only mild, musty mushroom notes. The texture is ultra-custard, glorious to spread on the healthy crunch of a Kii Crisp – in this case, sweet-toasty Date & Almond. The sparkle of tart-sweet fruit and the tiny kiss of heat from the raspberry pepper jam tie this Perfect Bite together. It is a social-hour version of the flavors we love on buttery breakfast toast with preserves, but with all the sophistication of evening hors d'oeuvres."

Wine Pairing: Chenin Blanc

L'Amuse Signature 2-Year Gouda, Nutkrack Candied Pecans, Dried Cherries and Hacienda San José 70% Dark Chocolate L'Amuse Signature 2-Year Gouda, Nutkrack Candied Pecans, Dried Cherries and Hacienda San José 70% Dark Chocolate

(3) L'Amuse Signature 2-Year Gouda, Nutkrack Candied Pecans, Dried Cherries and Hacienda San José 70% Dark Chocolate

Liz says: "Time to nibble! This Perfect Bite is not meant to be eaten as a single traditional 'bite,' but it's served together as an exploration of texture and flavor. L'Amuse is one of the world's finest Goudas, aged to coax depth of flavor and develop those marvelous flavor crystals! The best way to present this cheese is to carve out nuggets with a paring knife, which showcases that crystalline texture. The taster will experience the chewy sweetness of the dried cherry; the perfect balance of salt, sweet and roasted nut of the pecan; and the smooth, rich depth of the chocolate. It's fun to experiment with different sensations as the taster varies the order of elements!"

Wine Pairing: Late Bottled Vintage Port

Selection and availability of products vary by market.