October is National Fair Trade Month

October is National Fair Trade Month

Fair Trade Coffee Farmers Fair Trade Coffee Farmers
African women plucking tea leaves in East Africa African women plucking tea leaves in East Africa

Farmers, workers and fisherpeople all over the world face incredible challenges simply trying to earn a living. To compete in today's market, some businesses drive down the prices of their goods at the expense of these most vulnerable stakeholders. Shopping fair trade is one way that producers, companies, shoppers, advocates and organizations can take a stand by prioritizing people and our planet over profit. People making Fair Trade Certified goods work in safe conditions, protect the environment, build sustainable livelihoods, and earn additional money to empower and improve their lives and meet the unique social, economic and environmental needs of their communities.

Fair trade is a global movement aiming to reduce poverty and improve working conditions for farmers and producers in developing countries. This means paying producers a fair price for their products and advocating for fair wages as well as guaranteeing a safe workplace and the right to unionize, prohibiting child and slave labor, and adhering to the United Nations Charter of Human Rights. In addition, the fair trade movement also works to provide opportunities for global producers to improve their skills, build up their communities, and protect and conserve the environment. Products like coffee, chocolate, seafood and produce are those most commonly Fair Trade Certified.

A bag of Kowalski's French Roast Coffee A bag of Kowalski's French Roast Coffee

Fair Trade Spotlight:
Kowalski's Coffees

Kowalski's Signature Organic Coffee is Certified Fair Trade and locally roasted in small batches by Morningstar Coffee. Morningstar is run by Jose Vido, the son of a third-generation coffee grower from Italy who grew up on his father's small coffee plantation in Brazil. For Kowalski's Signature Coffees, Jose selects shade-grown beans from growers who employ the same handpicking and drying methods that have been used for generations. His expert sourcing and fine craftsmanship create coffees that are intensely aromatic, smooth, balanced and full-bodied.

Find a variety of ground, whole bean and single-serve Kowalski's Coffees in the Coffee Aisle. Our single-serve cups use an eco-friendly, recyclable filter that fits in any standard single-serve coffee maker.

Selection and availability of products vary by market.