Nourish the Skin You're In

Nourish the Skin You're In

Contributed by Sue Moores, M.S., R.D., Kowalski's Nutritionist.

Woman Applying Sunscreen Woman Applying Sunscreen

Summer's sun can do a number on your skin. To add insult to injury, a poor diet will prematurely age your skin, too. Because we're baring a little more skin these next few months, besides slathering on the sunscreen, why not also eat your way to a healthier, age-defying glow? Interested? Slip these foods into your grocery cart:

  • Foods rich in vitamin A and C, such as cantaloupe, peppers, mangoes, tomatoes, spinach, kale, peaches, nectarines, carrots and more. Vitamins A and C help shield the skin from UV damage. Both help repair damaged cells, and vitamin C is necessary for collagen production, which helps keep skin nice and firm.
  • Nuts and seeds contain vitamin E and selenium. Both help protect cells from damage, including sun damage and other environmental "insults."
  • Green tea or black tea. The polyphenols (plant compounds) found in these tea leaves can combat inflammation, both from the sun and day-to-day inflammation otherwise occurring in the body.
  • Omega-3-rich foods. Tuna, trout, salmon, halibut, flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, dark green leafy vegetables and canola oil contain omega-3 fats. A "good" balance between polyunsaturated fats (omega-6 fats) and omega-3 fats helps combat cell-damaging inflammation. Most American diets are out of balance, with too many pro-inflammatory polyunsaturated fats compared to omega-3 fats. Omega-3s help put out the smoldering fires of inflammation.
  • Coffee (caffeine). In animal studies, caffeine has helped reduce the development of basal cell carcinoma by killing precancerous cells damaged by sunlight that were in the process of dividing. The antioxidants in coffee may also protect cells from the initial damage caused by the sun.
