Minnesota Grown Wines for the Holidays

Minnesota Grown Wines for the Holidays

Wine Grapes at 7 Vines Vineyard Wine Grapes at 7 Vines Vineyard
7 Vines Vineyard Wine Bottle 7 Vines Vineyard Wine Bottle

Minnesota is certainly not blessed with the same terroir as Tuscany or Bordeaux. Aside from favorable soil and climate, those prolific wine-producing regions have had centuries to refine their technique, discovering which grapes grow best where and how to bring out the best those grapes have to offer. Yet despite the challenging climate of the Upper Midwest, there are over 40 commercial wineries in Minnesota today. Compare that to 1997, when there were just three operating in the state. That kind of growth suggests that there's more going on here than a collection of weekend hobbyists competing at the State Fair. 

The fundamental change lies in the number of new grape varieties used to make our local wines. Over the last 20 years, the University of Minnesota fruit breeding program has rolled out a series of cold-hearty vines capable of producing better wine than any of their predecessors. As these vineyards mature and winemakers put more vintages in the bottle, the quality continues to go up.

When it comes to what makes a good bottle of Minnesota wine, expectations are changing. We are coming to expect that wines made with locally grown grapes will showcase the same level of balance, fruit and good winemaking as those regions with more storied wine histories – not that our wines taste like their wines, or should. Wine is a reflection of grape, climate and place. The great joy of wine is celebrating these differences region to region, vintage to vintage. Here, using our grapes, in our climate, Minnesota wineries are now producing wines that are unique to us. That's something to celebrate.

As the availability of good Minnesota wines has grown, we have added several options to choose from in our six Wine & Spirits Shops. This season, Kowalski's is offering a variety of vintages from Sovereign Estate, 7 Vines Vineyard, Chankaska Creek and Winehaven Winery, including some Minnesota Grown selections.

Did You Know?

With winemaker Matt Scott at the helm, 7 Vines Vineyard has had great success at prestigious competitions like the San Francisco International Wine Competition and the Finger Lakes International Wine & Spirits Competition. 7 Vines' collection of medals includes the coveted Best in Class Double Gold for their 2018 Reserve Cabernet, where it beat 500 Cabs from around the world. Read more about Matt and 7 Vines Vineyard here.

Selection and availability of products vary by market.