Kowalski's Scan & Pay: A New Way to Shop

A New Way to Shop

Kowalski's Scan & Pay

A woman uses her cell phone to scan fresh produce using the Kowalski's Scan & Pay app A woman uses her cell phone to scan fresh produce using the Kowalski's Scan & Pay app

Skip the line with Kowalski's Scan & Pay! Scan & Pay is a new way to shop for groceries at Kowalski's and is the first program of its kind in the Twin Cities.

Scan & Pay doesn't replace any of our fabulous cashiers or bagging crew – we're still here for you! However, it is a great option for small orders, when you're in a rush, or anytime you prefer to scan and bag your own purchases. Download and install the Kowalski's Scan & Pay app on your iPhone or Android phone to start shopping!

iPhone App Android App

Simply scan the barcode on products as you add them to your basket or bag. For items without a barcode, such as Salad Bar purchases, produce and bulk foods, locate the nearby Scan & Pay scale and use the easy-to-navigate touch screen to print a scannable code for your selection. (The scales are for weighted products only, and items like donuts and avocados have barcodes to scan on their sign or shelf tag.) When you're done, head to the Scan & Pay kiosk near the front of the store to complete your purchase with just a single tap.

Click here to view our Scan & Pay brochure for more information.

Give Scan & Pay a try today. Thanks, as always, for shopping with Kowalski's!