It's Only Fair (Trade): Fyffes Bananas

It's Only Fair (Trade): Fyffes Bananas

Man picking bananas Man picking bananas

Kowalski's is proud to partner with Fyffes, one of the world’s largest and oldest tropical produce distributors. We exclusively carry Fyffes Fair Trade Certified™ Bananas at all of our markets. Since 1888, Fyffes has been committed to bringing the world the highest-quality produce, making a positive difference for their growers, customers and the environment.

The fair trade certification on Fyffes bananas ensures fair prices for farmers, protecting their rights and contributing to the creation of a sustainable living and working environment where families and communities can thrive. Through fair trade business practices, farmers receive a minimum set price for their crops as well as financial and technical support, safe working conditions, economic development and education. They become stakeholders, reinvesting profits to strengthen their businesses and communities with projects such as health clinics, schools, housing and leadership training. Fair trade certification also ensures that farmers follow all internationally monitored environmental standards and implement sustainable practices.

Smiling woman washing bananas Smiling woman washing bananas

Purchasing Fyffes Fair Trade Certified Bananas helps support programs that make the world a better place. These bananas are of the highest quality and are grown according to fair trade practices. They not only taste good, but you can feel good buying them, too.

Find Fyffes Fair Trade Bananas in the Produce Department.


Good to Know:

  • Bananas are a good source of potassium, which contributes to a healthy blood pressure. Potassium is important for bone strength, nerve function and muscle contraction and helps maintain a regular heartbeat.
  • Bananas are also a good source of fiber and vitamin C and are rich in vitamin B6, which is beneficial to heart health and a strong immune system. B6 is needed to make serotonin, which helps elevate mood!