I Feel Pretty: Groceries for Great Skin

I Feel Pretty: Groceries for Great Skin

Contributed by Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron.

Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron

I've been obsessed with makeup since I was a preteen. As I've "matured," I've discovered that the secret to any truly great look starts with really good skin. That's an uphill battle for anyone over 30 and may explain why these days I have more moisturizer than mascara.

Sure, I drink water, wear sunscreen and get plenty of rest. But I've also got a complicated, multistep skincare routine that includes different cleansers, serums, lotions, creams, oils and elixirs for day and night. There's also twice-weekly exfoliation and what I call "Sunday Skinday," a ritual devoted to masks, peels and any other treatment that might help undo the prior week's damage.

Science tells us that omega-3s can help keep skin supple, antioxidants like vitamin E help protect against free radicals, zinc protects against inflammation, and vitamin C helps with collagen production. Beta carotene, lutein and lycopene have been shown to protect against sun damage and may also help prevent wrinkles. Some of my favorite foods – salmon, tomatoes, red bell peppers, nuts, avocados, broccoli and even dark chocolate – may help keep skin healthy, strong, glowing and gorgeous.

Great skin from groceries? As a true beauty junkie, I'm definitely down with that.


Selection and availability of products and ingredients vary by market.