Cornbread Dressing

Cornbread Dressing

Cornbread Dressing Cornbread Dressing

Dressing may be one of the most beloved holiday sides, and for good reason. A mixture of tender, meaty, chewy and crunchy textures and a variety of complementary flavors, it's often a meal in and of itself. This year we're swapping our traditional cubed bread recipe for cornbread to add more texture and sweetness. Combined with sweet apple sausage and fruit or spicy chorizo, these twists on a classic are sure to be the talk of your Thanksgiving table.

The Thanksgiving Conundrum: Stuffing or Dressing?

Inevitably the question comes up at many a Thanksgiving table every year: What's the difference between stuffing and dressing? Technically, stuffing is stuffed into something. The same recipe baked in its own dish is called dressing. To some, it's simply the difference in what they called it growing up. Southerners often refer to dressing as stuffing, regardless of whether it's actually stuffed in a bird or not*.

No matter what you call it, it's delicious with more than just turkey and is simple to make with a variety of breads and grains. Try it with roasted pork, beef tenderloin and baked chicken, or try it for breakfast topped with a fried egg.

*If you do stuff your turkey, be sure to test the temperature. It should reach 165°.

Selection and availability of products and ingredients vary by market.