Cooking at Home: Scary Good Fun

Cooking at Home: Scary Good Fun

Contributed by Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron.

Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron

I have lots of childhood memories that involve making treats with my mom. She's never loved to cook, but she's crafty and has a bit of a sweet tooth, so baking and decorating were key ways I connected with her in the kitchen. While I did not inherit her crafting gene, I've loved sharing similar culinary experiences with my own kids. Like most children, mine always liked treats and playing with their food. As they've grown into busy adults, our cookery crafts have generally become limited to holiday activities, and while I've never been hugely into Halloween, I'm all in if it means I can log some quality time with my kids.

Now in college, my kids' time is more limited these days, so I'm up for any shortcuts I can find. Why bake a cake just to cool it, crumble it and glue it back together with frosting when we can just plop a ready-made donut hole on a stick? Below are some of the spooky, silly and simply fun ideas we've made over the years, all with donuts from the Bakery Department.

Happy Halloween!


Vampire Donuts Vampire Donuts



Vampire Donuts

  • Raised donuts from the Bakery Department
  • 1 tube of red cake decorating gel (for blood)
  • 1 tube of black decorating gel (for hair)
  • Toy vampire teeth
  • Candy "eyeballs"
  • Licorice Pastels from the Bulk Candy section (for eyebrows)


Spider Eggs Spider Eggs




Spider Eggs

  • Powdered sugar donut holes from the Bakery Department
  • Plastic toy spider rings
  • Construction paper, pen, and 1 ice pop or craft stick (for making the sign)
Mummy Pops Mummy Pops



Mummy Pops

  • Plain donuts holes from the Bakery Department
  • Ice pops or craft sticks
  • Almond bark or white chocolate melting disks (for dipping and drizzling the donut pops)
  • Thin strips of gauze, frayed (for arms)
  • 1 tube black decorating gel (for eyes)
  • 1 Mason jar
  • Candy corn and pumpkins (enough to fill the jar)

Selection and availability of products and ingredients vary by market.