Cooking At Home: Pizza, Please!

Cooking At Home

Pizza, Please!

Contributed by Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron.

Grilled Pizza with Middle Eastern Toppings Grilled Pizza with Middle Eastern Toppings

During the summer, I grill pizza at least once a week. It's obviously a crowd-pleasing affair, with everyone able to pick their favorite toppings, but it's also a somewhat self-serving choice. I probably have the most adventurous palate in my family, and pizza gives me a chance to enjoy the foods and flavors I love that no one else does. My pie is usually loaded with alternative sauces and "unpopular" veggies, and it's almost always topped with olives and drizzled with something "weird." It is the prettiest of the pack every single time, the most colorful and most interesting to behold, by a longshot – and, quite often, someone wants to trade me a slice. I'm happy to oblige. As much as I love my oddball creations, I'm always game for a bite of good ol' sausage and pepperoni.

Here I top my Middle-Eastern-inspired 'za with:

  • baba ganoush (find it in the Deli Grab & Go Case near the hummus)
  • sweet pickled peppers (from the Olive Bar)
  • Kalamata olives
  • cherry tomatoes
  • pepperoncini
  • chopped roasted and salted pistachios
  • fresh mint
  • spicy honey

My basic technique for Grilled Pizza uses a two-zone cooking method, ensuring a crispy crust, hot toppings and melty cheese.

View the Recipe


Selection and availability of ingredients vary by market.