Cooking At Home: Family Matters

Cooking At Home

Family Matters

Contributed by Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron.

Anna Rose and Rachael Perron Anna Rose and Rachael Perron

I couldn't wait for the day my oldest child was able join the Kowalski's team. I knew Anna Rose would thrive in the company's civic culture. But some effects were unexpected. No other experience in her life has changed her in such wonderful and amazing ways. She's grown from a somewhat shy young woman to a charmer who can start a conversation with almost anyone. She's become more organized, confident and poised, and has deepened both her sense of leadership and belief in her ability to contribute significantly to a team.

Anna Rose had a special place in the Kowalski's universe even before joining the White Bear team as a Starbucks barista in March 2018. As one of my best taste testers and an amateur baker herself, she's offered critical and useful feedback on many of the recipes I've published. She's also the mastermind behind the original recipes that inspired the Monster Cookies and Cherry Almond Scones we sell in our bakeries.

Maple Butter Pecan Semifreddo Maple Butter Pecan Semifreddo

When we sat down to discuss the recipe that she wanted to share this holiday season, Anna Rose had some strong opinions – maple and nuts, specifically. Her inner pastry chef was itching to create something new. Her experience making ice creams, panna cotta and Italian food dovetailed nicely with the concept of a semifreddo. From the Italian word meaning "semi-cold," semifreddo is made with ingredients similar to ice cream but has the texture of a frozen mousse. We both felt her recipe for Maple Butter Pecan Semifreddo would be the perfect cold, creamy dessert for ending any holiday meal.

View the Recipe

From our family to yours, we hope you have a wonderful holiday season making happy memories and, of course, good food!

Rachael (and Anna Rose)

Selection and availability of ingredients vary by market.