Cooking At Home: An English Breakfast

Cooking At Home

An English Breakfast

Contributed by Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron.

Honey Whole Wheat English Muffins Honey Whole Wheat English Muffins

Crispy, chewy and with extra butter-holding capacity, English muffins have always been a favorite of mine. These days I'm equally happy with a slice of Kowalski's English Muffin Bread. My mom used to make a similar English muffin loaf, baked in an old coffee can, that was pure heaven! As kids my sisters and I would cut thick slices and positively slather them with salted butter, jam or peanut butter – or all three!

I've been searching for a good recipe for English muffins or bread for a while now. Coffee cans are hard to come by these days, so Mom's loaf isn't ideal for me. Other English muffin recipes I've found recommend forming and baking the muffins in cleaned-out tuna cans – not something I have a dozen of just lying around. This recipe for Honey Whole Wheat English Muffins, requiring only a biscuit cutter, is more my speed. It requires no kneading – a technique that gives even me anxiety – and yields a relatively small number of muffins. Even so, if you don't work through them as fast as I do, they freeze really well, making a warm and toasty breakfast on a chilly spring morning super easy to come by!

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