Cooking At Home: Aw, Shucks!

Cooking At Home

Aw, Shucks!

Contributed by Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron.

Rachael Perron Shucking Oysters Rachael Perron Shucking Oysters

The day I'd set aside to test this recipe, I found myself faced with the cold, hard reality that I'd never really shucked an oyster. Standing over what appeared to be a mere pile of rocks, I found myself in a panic, unable to discern exactly where and how an oyster actually opened. My panic escalated to near mania when I learned that the Seafood Specialist here in the Woodbury Market was not only out of the store, he was with all the other members of the seafood team and our Meat & Seafood Director at an offsite meeting with a fish supplier. Of course.

So, I gave up. Or at least I did for a few minutes. After that, overcome with a bout of determination and pure grit, I did what anyone does these days when they need to learn how to do something fast – I Googled it.

Three YouTube videos later and armed with the proper shucking tool, I was back in the kitchen, squealing with delight as I opened each and every oyster by myself. (Yes, I was literally squealing.)

And I can honestly say that victory never tasted so good.

I always hope that readers will be inspired to cook or eat something new when they read a copy of At Home. While you may not attempt every recipe in an issue, and while some may even insight anxiety for you the way these oysters did for me, remember that even those of us who regularly cook face challenges. This season dare yourself to try something different – maybe even something difficult – to prove what deliciousness you're capable of, too. Sometimes the biggest challenges are the most rewarding.

And if you ever need help shucking an oyster, give me a call!


DID YOU KNOW? The mussels, clams and oysters sold at Kowalski’s are each considered an industry "Best Choice" for environmental sustainability by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation Seafood Watch.

Stuffed Oysters Stuffed Oysters

Featured Recipe:
Stuffed Oysters

View Rachael's recipe

Tasty Tip:

Before opening oysters, pinch any open ones before cooking. If an open shellfish won't snap shut, it should be discarded. After opening each oyster, be sure not to spill the delicious juice (also called oyster liquor).

Selection and availability of products and ingredients vary by market.