Cooking At Home: Anniversary Dinner

Cooking At Home: Anniversary Dinner

Contributed by Kowalski's Culinary & Branding Director Rachael Perron.

Salt-Roasted Salmon Salt-Roasted Salmon

This month marks 10 years I've been working at Kowalski's. If I had to sum up my time here in one word, it would have to be "recipes." Yes, there's lots, lots, lots more to it than that, but when I recently thought to add up how many recipes I've written since 2011, I was shocked (and stopped counting) when I reached 1,648.

The actual number is probably over 2,000 and is in part the reason why my family has rarely had the same meal twice in a decade. Prolific churning out of new ideas means I have little time for repeats on my menu. That said, there are some recipes that I keep coming back to over and over and over again. One in particular stands out and gets requested repeatedly at home: Perfect Herb-Baked Salmon.

Over the years I've made some changes to it. The most common tweak I've tried is changing up the topping (especially when I don't feel like chopping a bunch of herbs), but I always use the base cooking method. It's fast, foolproof and makes for the moistest, most evenly cooked fish you can dream of. Here I'm sharing the way I make it most often, in a “new” recipe called Salt-Roasted Salmon, because, well, recipes are kinda my thing.

Click here for the recipe


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