Community Partner: Sharing & Caring Hands

Community Partner: Sharing & Caring Hands

Mary Jo Copeland with Kids at Sharing & Caring Hands Mary Jo Copeland with Kids at Sharing & Caring Hands

Sharing & Caring Hands was founded in 1985 by Minneapolis' own Mary Jo Copeland. Established as a safety-net organization, its mission is to help those who have struggled to obtain assistance from the welfare system and to help with any needs that are not being met. Today the organization exists as a compassionate response to the desperate needs of the poor. It is also a vehicle for volunteers through which they can commit time and resources to make a difference in the lives of the most disadvantaged people in their communities.

Sharing & Caring Hands stands as an emotional anchor and a beacon of hope to those who are alone, afraid or in need. While providing resources for the poor to help each reach his or her greatest potential, Sharing & Caring Hands aims to affirm the self-worth of each individual as well as God's love for all his people.

The Need

Individuals are falling through the cracks in the government welfare system.

The Means

Sharing & Caring Hands is run by volunteers with few paid staff. The center relies solely on donations of time, goods, services and money from the community it serves. Remarkably, it does not accept federal or state financial assistance and is not affiliated with the United Way.

  • A staggering proportion of the money donated to Sharing & Caring Hands goes directly to meet the needs of the poor. In fact, less than 10% goes to administrative costs, such as management and fundraising.
The Care

Sharing & Caring Hands provides a host of services, including food, clothing, shoes, showers, shelter, transportation, medical and dental care, eye exams and glasses, furniture, school expenses, housing costs and other miscellaneous needs.

  • More than 20,000 people are served in some way, and over $400,000 is spent each month on the needs of the poor.
  • Sharing & Caring Hands serves over 157,000 meals each year (3,000 per week) to people in need.
  • They provide over 3,300 beds to adults and children that would otherwise be sleeping on the floor. Mary's Place Transitional Apartments houses over 600 people each night, over 400 of whom are children.

You can learn more about Sharing & Caring Hands and support its programs at