Community Partner: Best Christmas Ever

Community Partner: Best Christmas Ever

Best Christmas Ever Logo Best Christmas Ever Logo

Best Christmas Ever (BCE) is a locally based nonprofit that strives to lift up families who have fallen on hard times by giving them a surprise "Best Christmas Ever" custom-tailored to their particular family situation. BCE partners with business leaders and communities, small businesses and some of the country's most well-known organizations – such as Kemps, Bell Bank, Sleep Number and the Minnesota Vikings – to make this possible. A family that would qualify to receive a Best Christmas Ever has school-aged children in the home and has most unfortunately experienced something that would make celebrating Christmas especially difficult.

BCE not only produces unforgettable moments and Christmas Eves for families, but they also provide continual support to families following the holidays to set them up for long-term success and well-being.

A group photo of a family who were gifted the Best Christmas Ever A group photo of a family who were gifted the Best Christmas Ever

The four foundational pillars of BCE's mission are faith, family, finance and health:

Two boys help fill the family car with gifts Two boys help fill the family car with gifts


Falling on hard times can leave a family in a difficult place. It's important they understand that there is a community out there to lift them up and that they are not alone during hard times. Accordingly, families are connected with a local church or pastor to provide a community of hope, support and guidance in their time of need.


BCE supports families by introducing them to a trusted network of therapists and psychologists who donate their time and support to these families.


For many families, financial difficulties are a result of other difficult circumstances. The Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University (FPU) Course is offered to each family receiving the Best Christmas Ever to help them pave the path to financial freedom.


Most families fall on hard times due to some sort of health issue. Upon completing the Total Wellness Health Program, families receive ongoing health support, including financial assistance to help them buy fresh, healthy food.

In addition to producing the Best Christmases Ever, BCE has created a framework for leaders to experience the results of unreasonable generosity and the generational impact it has on families. Since 2011, BCE has doubled the number of families receiving a Best Christmas Ever each year and continues to expand across the United States, into Canada and even to Costa Rica.

Watch a video about a family impacted by BCE and learn how to join the movement in our community at