Chicken Out

Chicken Out

The cure for summer burger fatigue has to be the grilled chicken sandwich! Enjoy the terrific texture of chicken dressed up with your favorite burger toppings, or take a different tack. Unlike burgers, chicken may be marinated to infuse fantastic flavor directly into the base of your sammie or slider. In these featured recipes, our easy marinade does double duty as the base of a simple sauce that really drives the flavor profile home.

Kadejan Family Photo Kadejan Family Photo

Did You Know?

Kowalski's is proud to partner with local grower Kadejan Chicken from Glenwood, Minnesota. Kadejan raises birds without the use of vaccines or antibiotics in a free-roam, low-stress environment. Eschewing automated processing "gizmos," Kadejan chickens are cut, skinned, deboned and trayed mainly by hand. Kadejan also employs air-chilling rather than water or chemical immersion (used by many large producers), resulting in a tastier end product that's not laden with excess water weight and is easier to handle. Look for Kadejan in the Meat Department.

Selection and availability of products and ingredients vary by market.