Brandy for Beginners

Brandy for Beginners

Brandy, a distilled spirit made from fruit, is buzzing at holiday time. Often made from wine grapes, it’s commonly regarded as a distilled wine. The distillation process concentrates flavors and sugars, producing a boozy beverage that packs a pleasing punch! It’s a tasty, warm-you-up drink of its own, but its special ...

Brandied Sugarplums Brandied Sugarplums

Brandy, a distilled spirit made from fruit, is buzzing at holiday time. Often made from wine grapes, it's commonly regarded as a distilled wine. The distillation process concentrates flavors and sugars, producing a boozy beverage that packs a pleasing punch! It's a tasty, warm-you-up drink of its own, but its special intensity and sweetness makes it a great ingredient in scores of seasonal dishes, from hot toddies and Steak Diane to cream sauces and fondues.

Here we're featuring a favorite local brandy in a classic seasonal sweet. Enjoy Brandied Sugarplums in moderation, lest visions of them dance in your heads!

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Did You Know?

Just as Champagne indicates a type of sparkling wine from a specific region in France, cognac specifies brandy made in a legally defined way in a specific part of France. Armagnac is yet another regionally defined French brandy produced differently than cognac.

MINNESOTA GROWN: Local brandy from J. Carver is available in Kowalski's Wine & Spirits shops at our Grand Avenue, Woodbury, Stillwater, Excelsior, Uptown and Shoreview Markets.