Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities

A young girl follows along with her finger as she reads a picture book during a Boys & Girls Clubs Literacy Session A young girl follows along with her finger as she reads a picture book during a Boys & Girls Clubs Literacy Session

In the Twin Cities, Boys & Girls Clubs members experience quality youth development programs filled with life-changing opportunities, fun and enriching activities, and supportive relationships with peers and caring adults. The combination of these critical elements enables and empowers Club youth to achieve positive outcomes.

The Clubs' "Formula for Impact" outlines specific strategies for helping youth achieve three priority outcomes: Academic Success, Good Character & Leadership and Healthy Lifestyles. The aim of the Club Experience is to put success within reach of every young person who attends by ensuring all members are on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future. Youth are equipped with essential interpersonal and community-building skills and the ability to achieve healthful outcomes for themselves.

Academic Success

This strategy focuses on aptitude in literacy, STEM, arts, money management, job preparedness and career mentoring with a focus on a postsecondary future. Last year 91% of participants improved their literacy scores and 98% of senior participants graduated from high school.

A woman reads alongside two young boys during a Boys & Girls Clubs Literacy Session A woman reads alongside two young boys during a Boys & Girls Clubs Literacy Session

Good Character and Leadership

These programs encourage youth to develop planning and decision-making skills by supporting and influencing their Club and community, particularly through service learning. Last year 89% of teens surveyed answered that they believe they can make a difference in their community

Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles programming develops young people’s capacity to live healthfully by educating youth about fitness, nutrition and smart health choices. Activities focus on instilling positive conflict resolution techniques, engaging in positive behaviors, setting personal goals and building resistance skills that nurture and strengthen their minds and bodies. Last year more than 135,000 nutritious meals and snacks were served to Club members.

Ke'la Scuefield is awarded the Boys & Girls Clubs Youth of the Year Ke'la Scuefield is awarded the Boys & Girls Clubs Youth of the Year

An especially impactful program called Teen Pathways is designed for teen members of Boys & Girls Clubs who are preparing to graduate high school. The purpose of this program is to lower the number of disconnected youths in our community by introducing members to multiple post-secondary options through field-based learning experiences. This type of programming provides youth with real-life experiences and access to mentors to positively inform their decisions about school and careers.

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities serves 9,000 kids and teens per year across 11 locations. Participation is open to youth in grades K-12 for the cost of only $5 per academic year and $25 for full-day summer programming, underscoring the Clubs' commitment to equity and inclusion for all young people. If the fee is a barrier, it is waived.

Visit to learn more and get involved.